About Lesley

A Message for you

I am listening;
"I am here for You",
"I Care Deeply for You” Providing support, guidance, and reassurance letting you know,
"You are never alone!"

"My Why, My Mission"


I truly believe the greatest and almost instantaneous ways to create the outer world we desire as individuals begin within ourselves having a relationship with divinity. The powerful impacts in your life benefits you, your loved ones, and extends out into the communities surrounding you. Having limitless potential of even greater far reaching capabilities possibilities, leading to significant impacts around the world creating global unity.  

For the majority of my life, outer circumstances dictated my inner beliefs. Who I was, what I should do, as well, how to conduct myself to behaviors in any given situation.

The so-called, “Wearing different hats” inevitably causing insecurities, frustration, overload, and confusion leading to a lack of self-identity and self-esteem.

Unable to notice and understand the thoughts and emotions in any given situation, let alone distinguish those that were truly my own.

Becoming more self-aware,  “Live from the Inside Out” I now attracting people, circumstances, and experiences more aligned with my authentic self.

My Story and Why

To gain insight into my “POWERFUL PASSION and WHY” click here to watch a short video of my journey overcoming the greatest challenge to becoming the best version of myself today. 

And my friends, You can do this…

My Intentions

Healing the world by “empowering”  “inspiring” and “enlightening” teaching individuals how to heal themselves, develop greater personal awareness, and spiritual growth allowing the connection to the Holy Divine, supporting them within all areas of their lives promoting health and well-being. 

My Goals

“You reaching your full potential and realizing your dreams are, Oh-so achievable!”

The Development of becoming your true authentic self.  The You, Your soul came here to become can only happen in when in connection with the Divine. The connection to your innermost soulful aspects of self when in unity with the Holy Divine. This guidance leads us along the correct path during our life time in order to fulfill our soul mission and create our life purpose.    

The benefits are far-reaching to include learning self healing, personal awareness, and deep spiritual awareness providing changes to improve the relationship with yourself, the relationships with others, boosting confidence and self-esteem. Instilling a deep love for yourself and others.

The connection with divinity assists you in focusing on what’s most important in your life, providing redirection,  moving you toward opportunities best serving growth and develop as an individual. Union brings with it a host of benefits, including improved intimacy in relationships, better self-expression, and the greatest love for yourself and others with ease by  connecting to others on an emotional and spiritual level. and so much more!

Fun Facts About Me

Still curious to know a little more about who I am? What it is, I am about and stand behind? Well, here are some not-so-obvious not so secret anymore, secrets.

Education and Certification

Double Major in;

Sociology and Psychology 

~ The University of Colorado ~

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